Friday, 10 February 2012

Version 1.0.4 issues over and ready for the new model launches!

Been a while since I last posted anything, as I've been pretty busy with work, training new starters in our workshop with ODIS, and then to top it off - getting my head around a few issues here and there!

Cascade Process
Last time I posted, I had just finished and sent back my learner log, and with this last part of the cascade process done, I figured I was on my way to winning an iPad2!

To make sure, the last thing to finish was completing level 2 of the Play & Prove zone. As mentioned previously, this actually looked a lot easier than level one, which I thought was a bit weird, until I realised that I was probably finding it easier as I now am fully up to speed on using ODIS. This is obviously the case for everyone else too, as the amount of big scores on the score board is much higher than that of level 1. Oh well, I've posted myself a nice top score of 10,000 - along with quite a few others!

Version & Synch issues
So I've trained everyone, and they all seem quite up for using ODIS on a day to day basis, and then we boot it up one morning to find a 'synchronisation error'?

Better still, we're told that we're running on an old software version... I thought this was supposed to update online now?

Anyway, after much head scratching and asking around, we found out that there had been a number of updates over the past weeks (1.0.2 and 1.0.3), but the last one (1.0.4) was massive! This was so big that the servers were struggling to cope with it - hence we had not received it. So the auto-updating feature was temporarily turned off, which explains the synch error we're getting. So if all this is going on, why didn't anyone tell us?.. Pause for embarrassment :-(

They did! Cause I've yet again made the classic mistake of not checking Desktop!
Upon reading the bulletin, it explained the turning off of the updates, which actually only happening very briefly in order to turn the updates back on one at a time, to reduce the traffic.

It also turns out that the update of 1.0.4 was split into 1gb chunks for the UK roll out, and ODIS will continue to show the synch error until all the chunks are fully loaded. Anyway, I was told that this version has now been successfully loaded for many dealers, and upon checking our machine, sure enough, one day the error disappeared and the version was confirmed as loaded. I have also been informed that there has been an upgrade to ensure this won't happen again.

The good news!
On the plus side - in my experience with this new software, this version does a lot more than the previous versions, and seems a big improvement.

Looking back to when I was first told I was being sent on some training for some new diagnostic software, I was quite a bit worried really, cause this was a training courses with a difference - I had to go back and perform... Do something that was going to have quite an impact on the business if I didn't! And when I look at where we are at now... I look around and see all of my workmates all using something completely new to them, which to a large part was down to me :-)
Yes, they still moan & groan about the odd thing here and there, but the fact that they keep deciding to use it instead of VAS PC tells me it can't be that bad (especially since 1.0.4)

So, are we ready for the launch of these all new MQB platform vehicles that need ODIS? - YES!
Was it easy? - It certainly wasn't without it's challenges!
Was it worth it? - If we base that on the thanks I got from the business, maybe not, as it is apparently what's expected from a Master Technician. But the fact that this proves I can coach others back at work goes towards my reaccreditation - Yes. And the fact that I'm in with a chance to win the iPad is pretty good too! (I hear some techs aren't bothered about going for this, which increases my chances!!!)

But I suppose the biggest thing I'll take away from this 'training course with a difference' is, why is it any different to any other course? Maybe next time I go on a course (think expert DSG is the next), I should be tasked with performing when I go back?

Otherwise, what was the point in going???

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