Monday, 7 November 2011

Extra competition!

OK, so I've been openly honest and blogged about the 'fun and games' I've had with getting my head around ODIS over the past 2 or 3 months, and for those of you that haven't been reading - I think I've recently turned a corner cause I no longer see it as the 'fear of the unknown' (just like when ElsaPro first turned up), but see it more like an opportunity to use the new faster software and new features.

So I should now be glad that I've got a 3 month head-start of the UK Technicians who have just started attending the technical ODIS launch training, shouldn't I???

Well, I sort of was feeling quite confident, and with the announcement of the 'Play & Prove zone' being released last week, I was starting to get quite excited about the prospect of winning an iPad2!

That was of course, until I saw some of the HUGE scores that have started appearing on the leader board!
Not only was I impressed with the shear size of their scores, but the fact that they managed to score them WITHIN HOURS of the thing being released was amazing!!! I clearly have got some serious competition out there, so much for a head start :-(

The bar's been clearly set pretty high, but with 25 iPads up for grabs, I've not given up yet. So, I'm spending the next few evenings perfecting Level 1 in the 'Play zone', so I'm more than ready to achieve my own whopping score (cause you can only set a score once - then it's locked). Good job you've got unlimited practice! I've also noticed a lot of the videos on the YouTube channel are the same as those in level 1, so they're helping too.

Anyway, better get on with it, as I've heard level 2 is also being released in a few days.


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